Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm a List Lover

Hi. My name is Megan and I am a List Lover. Yep there you have it. I love a good list. Usually have a to do list everyday - generally it's an old school written one. There is something about being able to physically cross stuff off a list when it's done. Not the same satisfaction is achieved on the phone or computer. I do have lists on my phone though - all sorts of lists.
I've found as I get older, and life gets busier, that lists help me to get things done. I seem to forget things if I don't write them done. So lists are my new best friend. My sister Clare would be proud of me. She is the queen of lists.
So a fellow blogger and list lover, Tam posted a challenge to all the list lovers out there, to follow along on her list loving journey. So I am joining in.
The first prompt is.... Lists I make.
Here is a list of lists I need to make over the next few weeks. I think i may need to get List Book. Where I keep all my lists. Ha ha ha ha yes I think that's called an iPhone or computer.

So here is my list
So who else is a list lover? Why not join in the challenge with me? You can do it on your blog or on Instagram.

List Lovers Unite!


  1. I love lists Megan! I started a list after my birthday last year of 33 I wanted to do before I turn 33 - which is kind of year goals, with some things I keep saying "I should do that again" and some new things. I rode a horse, milked a cow, went to Italy, etc etc. I make lists daily, old style as well! I've recently discovered that I need to add little things to the daily ones though, so I actually have the accomplishment of crossing things off, and don't get discouraged!

  2. The list of 33 is a great idea Anita. I only have 10 days till my 33rd birthday so I missed the boat this year but I think a 34 list is a great idea too! Thanks for the tip!

  3. I am indeed proud of the lists - as I am indeed the Queen of Lists. If you get REALLY enthusiastic, check out the "Things" app for either Mac, iPad or iPhone (I have all three... don't judge me). I would also suggest a "Decluttering jobs" list, which is generally areas of the house that can be tidied / decluttered in 5-10 minutes (ie one drawer, top of kids dressing table, one shelf of bookcase) rather than try and get the whole house done in one go. ANYWAY... glad you're blogging again. And happy listing. xx

    P.S. Kikki K do a whole range of list books... just sayin'. Maybe you could add it to the "My Present Wishlist" list ;-)


Hi thanks for sharing xx